Fire Pit - Home made

Fire Pit - Home made
A day and night on cider

Tuesday 28 June 2011

Enjoy the Ride - The Worry Just Isnt Worth it

I was going to write about my experience with the brief fling I had with going home early (about 1am) as I had work (the never ending ruination of my life (drinking)) the next morning.  However on my way to the taxi stand an inebriated 18 year old (found this out later) was falling out of the Big K with a guy either side of her.  I didn’t have to check she was alright; I could have run, jumped in a taxi, grabbed a pie and never thought of it again.  Then it occurred to me of how I would feel, with the combination of an awful hangover plus seeing her photo in Stuff saying MISSING last seen at the Big K and how this would haunt me forever.  So I asked the fatal question of “Are you ok”…. I seem to be telling the story.. I will bullet point from here in

Ex Boyfriend
More crying
Water for her
I drink the water
Mum won’t come to pick her up
Hysterical and screamy
Sing “You are my Sunshine” to calm her (why that song no idea, glad it works)
Ex turns up
Calm before the storm
HYSTERIA times infinity
Call ambulance
First ride in an ambulance
I WAS SUPER EXCITED and scared for her
People at hospital ask me all sorts of personal questions about her that I don’t know
I am drunk and think it’s funny to answer with white female, small frame – they are humourless at 2.30am in the morning so…
I tell them I know nothing as im not her friend and meet her about an hour ago, although she has recently broken up with her BF
Half of the hospital staff look at me like I am a complete freak and the other half pat me on the back to say its great people like me are still around
I still want a pie
Her parents come

Her Dad drops me home – kinda weird

Wow that seems like a blog all on its lonesome.  Think ill leave it there.

This is me not sweating the small stuff as the title suggested but I wanted to talk about something completely different.

From a raging alcoholic to the general populace the worry just isn’t worth it.

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